Works on Bezdan lock and Šebešfok sluice and lock within the Complex water management development of the area of the Baja Bezdan Canal Tender dossier works BABECAtender dossier works DRAWINGS-BEZDAN I SEBESFOK drawings-bezdan i CONTRACTING AUTHORITYS CLARIFICATIONS No. 1 contracting authoritys clarifications no. 1.pdf FINAL-Minutes of meeting BABECA 16.05.2018. final-minutes of meeting babeca 16 05 2018 (2).pdf CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’S CLARIFICATIONS No. 2 contracting authoritys clarifications no 2.pdf CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’S CLARIFICATIONS No. 3 contracting authoritys clarifications no. 3.pdf AWARD DECISION award decision 06.07.2018..pdf